Friday, February 8, 2013
Blueotter Speaks:
Hopi prophecy speaks of their "original set of instructions." I purpose to present - to the best of my limited ability -- the original set of instructions given to the Mormons by Joseph Smith Jr., which were carried on for quite some time by Brigham Young, and eventually abandoned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints (L.D.S.).
Nowadays the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) seem oblivious to the original teachings of their own scriptures, not practicing the teachings of their church's founder(s) -- and the people of the church hunger and thirst for their rightful spiritual destiny... which was to BE SPIRITUALLY LED BY INDIANS:
Mormons May Be Under a Book Of Mormon Curse
If you are NOT a Mormon, you are probably disinterested in the following information... and I don;t blame you, because from the actions of the L.D.S. Church, they are under a Book Of Mormon Curse -- but I recommend reading my editorial:
MORMONS FALL AWAY: Signaling the Coming of "A Future Indian Prophet" click here
If you are not a Mormon, I am not here to "sell" you on Mormonism... far from it. Since 1985, I have been led by the spirit to know what the original set of instructions were to the Hopi and to the Cherokee -- known and revered anciently to all Indians of the Americas as "The Twin Fires."
If you aren't interested in the sad details, suffice it to say that Mormons were put on certain specific path by Mormon church founder by Joseph Smith Jr. - a path nowadays called by Indians as "The Good Red Road" a path scheduled to prepare Mormons to be spiritually prepared to converge in 1889-90 with the path of spiritually prepared Indians who were summoned by and responded and met Jesus at the Walker Indian Reservation near Yerington, Nevada.
Mormons -- over time -- slowly incrementally departed from that Red Path in the years after Smith was assassinated on June 27, 1844 by a mob in Carthage, Illinois -- while he was running for president of the United States -- and winning in nationwide straw polls.
All things being equal -- you might ask -- what the heck did or does the Mormon Church have to do with Wovoka and the ORIGINAL Ghost Dance?
Everything, says I.
I am not "beating up" on the poor Mormons... heck, I am a member of the L.D.S. Church (Mormon) but have been inactive since 1992 when the church repudiated 150 years of its most sacred teachings.
I am a "Mormon" because I believe the original 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon is true as correctly translated. I do, however, have some reservations about the translation. -- and for good reason. The book's prefaces indicates that we all should have some reservations. Mainly I am concerned about the way punctuation was later added by the printer's assistant to the original punctuation-free manuscript. But that is a very minor technical concern of mine -- compared to the vast "Miscarriage of Will of God" that I am about to reveal to you.
I believe in the scientific and archaeological validity of the Book of Mormon -- but I won't blindly follow the leaders of the huge corporate monster that is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Why do I believe in a book that so many people laugh at -- or fall asleep reading -- like Mark Twain once said. Most people's perception of the Book of Mormon is that is was a book that some teenage kid in upstate New York in 1830 claimed was given to him on plates of gold by an angel name Moroni?
Well, it's easy for me to relate to those ideas that sounded so crazy to billions of people who have been kept purposely misinformed since 1830.
According to the descendants of the famed Sequoyah was a member of the ages-old "Scribe Society" who held secret knowledge passed down from ancient teachers called the Assaga." Sequoyah was incorrectly credited with "invention" of the ages-old Cherokee Language Syllabary which pre-dated the coming of Columbus by thousands of years. My Cherokee ancestors had records on gold plates -- just as the Book of Mormon was engraved on gold plates.
Cherokee Nation police (working for corrupt mixed-blood leaders) branded Sequoyah as a witch, and his fingers and ears were cut off. His wife was eventually murdered by the Cherokee Nation. Sequoyah died a fugitive in Mexico. Learn more from my Chief Dr. Charles Rogers website.
Later, when Cherokee National leaders sensed they could profit from Sequoyah's work, they foisted a story on the world that was a lie. The painted image of Sequoyah is that of another man. Learn more.
It is a known fact that Joseph Smith, while living in Missouri in the 1831 to 1838, visited my direct ancestors the Chickamauga Cherokee -- who had moved to southern Missouri in 1799 and tarried there and on their northern Arkansas 1828 "Lovely's Purchase" US Federal Indian Reservation until forced onto reservations in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) in the 1840s.
Our most sacred Cherokee records were kept in a wooden ark, and guarded 24 hours a day by two warriors using special bronze-tipped arrows that had been around since before the Iron Age. Legend has it that these records were given to The Lenape around the time whites first appeared, and they took this sacred bundle to what is now Canada, and when and if that bundle crosses back into the USA, the end of the USA will soon follow.
Archaeologists didn't have a clue about the complicated system of weights and measures used in South America up almost 100 years after the Book of Mormon was published.
Archaeologists didn't have a clue about the monetary system anciently used by the Arabs, but the Book of Mormon described that system.
For a study of the vast scientific evidences supporting the Book of Mormon click here.
The "Marred Servant of Isaiah 52:13 may be the same future leader, as well as "The Branch" Prophet from 2 Nephi Chapter 3 in the Book of Mormon,
In 2 Nephi Chapter 3 there are clues as to this Choice Seer's actual (or spiritual) name. Indians receive "secret names" that are never to be revealed to White Men... similar to Mormon "new names" given to men and women in their temples rites.
Readers usually assume his name will be Joseph, BUT they miss the point that the person SPEAKING this scripture is Lehi. Confusion is caused because Lehi is quoting Joseph of Egypt -- father of Ephraim and Mannaseh -- but a careful reading reveals the possibility that the Indian Prophet's name is "Lehi.
2 Nephi 3:15 "And his name shall be called after me; and it shall be after the name of his father. And he shall be like unto me; for the thing, which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand, by the power of the Lord shall bring my people unto salvation."
In any case, we know from this chapter that he would be a descendant of Joseph of Egypt.
This would be within the realm of possibility, because the Book of Mormon describes descendants of Joseph of Egypt as migrating to the Americas.
In the Book of Mormon, a resurrected Jesus Christ leveled prophetic charges of FUTURE iniquity among members of his L.D.S. church in the last days -- prophesying in these words:
"At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel...and shall be filled with all manner of lying, and of deceit, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations..." (3 Nephi 16:10)
When Joseph Smith was a young man, in upper New York State in 1830, the area in which he lived was known as the "burned over district" because of all the sectarian religious excitement that was taking place there. Everyone in his family had joined one church or another. Confused and concerned, he knelt to pray in a nearby grove of trees, and prayed fervently to know which of the churches he was true. Then he saw a light directly over his head. He heard a voice say:
Joseph Smith was later shown the spiritual leadership destiny of American Indians, and was simply instructed to translate the Book of Mormons and give it to the Indians. He was told that they were to build up the Kingdom of God with only the ASSISTANCE of white peoples.
After the "First Vision" Mormon history gets murky real fast. Most believe Joseph saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, but Joseph himself wrote in his own handwriting that he only saw an one person.
Later, when people in England starting converting to the religion Smith founded, that story of Joseph Smith's "First Vision" was rewritten some 15 times over a 9 year period. BUT don't try to tell most Mormons that the history they were taught over the years is not pristine. Many or most are the "true believer" types who have been conditioned to follow blindly -- even though the earliest church leaders excoriated Mormons for blind belief -- even going so far as to say of Mormons didn't stop following leaders blindly, their leader Brigham Young said those leaders would lead them "to the brink of hell." To some extent, he was the pot calling the kettle black!
My purpose here is to separate truth from error and set Mormon minds free:
1. To compare and contrast the original instructions to Mormons with the instructions given to The Hopi and The Cherokee -- and to tell you about miscarriages of justice against Indian peoples.
2. To rebuke many modern-day Mormon leaders who teach doctrines unauthorized by their predecessors which are taught in the church today... and that the L.D.S. church is under condemnation -- Ezra Taft Benson's description - not mine.
3. To restore some truths to good-hearted members of the L.D.S. Church.
4. To explode the myth recently promulgated by some modern leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are infallible... in contradiction of ALL previous Mormon doctrine.
5. To warn that unless there s repentance, many Mormons are under a Book of Mormon scriptural curse - and anyone who blindly follows them will suffer as their leaders do.
If Mormons actually read their own 1830 Book of Mormon -- instead of their recent edited Utah version with over 4,000 unauthorized changes -- and looked at the destiny laid out by Joseph Smith as opposed to their later evil actions against American Indians, they might begin to understand where they stand before their Creator -- they might avoid the calamitous judgments awaiting them if they made some changes.
Time for Mormon Church leaders to publicly "fess up" and repent. It is as simple as that.
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