Dick Bauman, servant of Christ, March, 2009
Part 5
Many ministers will rail against the ‘author’ of the Book of Mormon, and claim the book is the work of the Devil, BUT EITHER THEY HAVEN’T READ IT, OR DIDN’T STUDY IT AND ASK GOD IF IT’S TRUE!
Now I say ‘fortunately’, because Joseph Smith did, in fact, do MANY things contrary to what the Book Of Mormon actually says. The few who are willing to read this book with the eye of faith, will be astounded with the truth and relevance there is for us today.
As a Baptist minister said after he actually read the book (because he had set out to disprove it), “It is filled with the blood of Jesus.”
Indeed it is, and as it says in 2 Nephi, “And now behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way (but to follow the words of Christ) nor name (Christ) given under heaven, whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God.”
Though many have tried laboriously to discredit the Book, the best they can do is to discredit the man; hopefully by killing the messenger, the message will be stopped! I studied the Book for years, and the history surrounding it. I know more ‘dirt’ about Joseph Smith and the church he founded, than probably any other person on the face of the earth, BUT I CAN’T DENY THE FULLFILLMENT OF THE MANY PROPHECIES, AND THE ENORMOUS TRUTH BETWEEN ITS COVERS! Nor can I deny the gift of tongues, and the power of the Holy Ghost I received, AFTER I read and accepted the truth and divinity of that book!
Its message is that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and that he invites all races, men and women, young and old, black or white, rich or poor to partake of Eternal Life. It obviously isn’t anti-Christ, is it?
It declares the plan of salvation, with the Plan of Mercy and the Plan of Justice, with an undeniable simplicity and clarity.
It declares that you must believe in the Bible, and if you believe what the Bible says you will believe this Book from the Native Americans, also.
When the manuscript was written in 1829,
1. It prophesied that the Native People would be relocated and forts built among them. The U.S. Congress passed the Relocation Act in 1830 (the following year!). So that prophecy was fulfilled, wasn’t it?
2. It prophesied the Native People would be scattered, smitten, and brought down almost to nothing, and would be sustained by the Gentiles. That happened, didn’t it?
3. It prophesied that the Gentiles would take over the inheritance of this land. That happened, didn’t it?
4. It prophesied this nation would become the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. That happened, didn’t it?
5. It prophesied that it would have the most pride of any nation. That happened, didn’t it?
6. It prophesied that an organization that believed in Cain would be the downfall of this nation. It describes the earmarks of that organization: handshakes, blood oaths, the ceremonial loin cloth, and the profession of Cain. THAT ORGANIZATION IS FREEMASONRY! I have copies of their materials, and every mason is obligated to employ the principles of Cain. And as one mason told me, “Don’t you know it’s alright to FLEECE the sheep!” Isn’t that contrary to what Christ told Peter THREE times, “FEED my sheep!” So, you see that Freemasonry is contrary to the way of Christ!
Albert Pike, 33 degree, who wrote “Morals and Dogma” for the Masons, stated to a world-wide conference of top Masons some years ago that Lucifer was their God!
The Baptists and most other churches that condemn the Book of Mormon are loaded with Freemasons – so is CONGRESS AND THE LEGAL AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM! These churches should be thankful for the clarity of the Book of Mormon in exposing the secret societies, for it says, concerning the organizations set up by Cain---
“For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.
“Wherefore the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come upon you, that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation,because of this secret combination which shall be among you, or wo
be unto it, ---
“For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up, seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries;
“And it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil,”--.
Now here is the real kicker, the Mormon Church RELIGION IS BASED ON FREEMASONRY:
A. building of physical temples (Christ says He is the temple, and our bodies are supposed to be temples, too!),
B. two priesthoods named after men – Aaronic and Melchisidec (Book of Mormon says ONE order of ministry: Holy Order of Christ),
C. A Prophet, and other offices,
D. 3 Glories (the Mormons have added the third one, ‘telestial’, which word does not exist in the dictionary!),
E. blind obedience to next degree above, things done in secret (Christ says He did nothing in secret),
F. inequality of women (they have to be tied to a man to have the best eternal life, although the Book of Mormon says all are equal!) and many other things. (the doctrine of polygamy is directly tied to “eternal marriage” in the Mormon church.)
When the Prophet Brigham Young moved a large group of people west, the first thing they did was to apply for 3 new Masonic Lodges! And it is in their history that when Brigham saw the Salt Lake valley he exclaimed, “This is the place!” However, Christ warned against this in Matt. 24:24-26:
“For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.”
Jeremiah 17:5-6 also curses the man who would follow a man to a “salt land and not inhabited.”
I explained what happened to the Mormon church, and its splinter groups in a series of video/DVD tapes, “To All Book of Mormon Believers: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHURCH?” (See allbookofmormonbelievers.org)
Continuing on with Book of Mormon prophecies.
7. It prophesied that because of the things kept back by the Great Whore, the Gentiles would stumble and establish many churches. In 2000 A.D., there were 285 churches registered with the U.S. Government. That was true, also, wasn’t it?
8. It prophesied that some churches would say little children had to be baptized. That was/is true, also, isn’t it? (Book of Mormon is adamantly against that) Christ picked them up into his arms and blessed them, didn’t He? He did not baptize them! And, He also said, “of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
9. It prophesied the leaders of the Gentile churches had to be paid for their ministry. That’s true, isn’t it?
10. It prophesied that the leaders would say God no longer does miracles for us, and He has left it up to us. That is true, isn’t it? And yet, God is unchangeable, at least that’s what the Bible says. And I, for one, believe what it says, and I know that He does perform miracles.
11. It also says that polygamy is an abomination to God, and men are commanded to have ONLY one wife! (what’s interesting about that is the Bible doesn’t even say that!) And some of the Mormon church members still believe in polygamy, and still practice it. Also, for the record, the doctrine of polygamy was one of the last ‘revelations’ that came through Joseph Smith. He renounced it just before he died, calling it “An accursed doctrine.” When he first came up with it, he told his wife Emma that it was from God, and if she didn’t accept it that God would destroy her. He died about a year later, but she lived many years after.
Unfortunately, the works of Joseph Smith, Jr., and the Mormon church have done more to discredit the Book of Mormon than any outside group!
12. It prophesied that when this nation is ripe, there will be economic collapse, war & destruction, and the burning of all who will not accept Jesus Christ and His way of life. The question is: is this nation ripe? Christ, in the Bible, talks of the ‘fullness of the Gentiles’. The Book of Mormon clarifies the fullness as when the Gentiles have received the fullness of the truth and have performed the fullness of iniquity.
As you study the Book of Mormon you will realize that indeed it contains the ‘fullness’ of the truth of the gospel. And what about the fullness of iniquity?
A. In what category would you put millions of babies killed by
abortion – the cup of iniquity?
B. In what category would you put the law against prayer in schools – in the cup of iniquity?
C. In what category would you put pornography, - or birth control devices in public school, or condoning illegitimacy – in the cup of iniquity?
D. And we can also add that those who wrote the U.S. Constitution said congressmen SHOULD NOT BE PAID!- hasn’t this brought iniquity to the top of our government?
E. In what category should we put starting wars in various places in the world FOR THE SAKE OF BIG OIL? (admitted by John McCain during his election campaign!)– thus killing thousands of innocent people, including our own fine young women and men: leaving behind children without a parent, who will never have one of their parents attend a school function, or see them married –DOESN’T THAT HEAP UP THE CUP OF INIQUITY?
Now, are you able to set aside prejudice and read the Book of Mormon with an open mind to see the truth and the finale? You will see WHY churches are against it: it condemns the false practices of Protestantism, Catholicism, AND Mormonism, and secret societies. You will understand in detail the Great Separation, and how to find yourself on the right side: to preserve the lives of your families and friends, and be prepared to make it through to be with Christ and a whole new society on this earth. You will see the great plan that will bring the Native Americans back into their inheritance of this land, and how you, as Gentiles, can be a part of it. I have seen parts of it in Vision and Dreams, and my friends Red Elk and Gayle have even seen more detail than I have. And years before us were the visions of President George Washington, the Iroquois prophecy of Deganawida, and others also.
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