And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.— John 10: 16.
IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER, we gave consideration to evidence ~ from the Bible that the Shepherd of Israel led the flock of Joseph to America. We found that the Bible promised to Joseph a special land, a promised land (Deuteronomy 33: 13-16; Genesis 49: 22-26), a land abounding in precious things. This Promised Land was to be “afar off,” “across the sea,” and “unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.” All this involved a great migration or movement of a colony of people from ancient Israel to America. Before giving direct consideration to archaeological evidence that the Shepherd of Israel established a fold (Hebrew social order) in ancient America, let us examine some of the American Indian origin legends.
Paul Radin says,
The Mexicans came from Aztlan. They carried with them an idol called Huitzuilop;tchili. They affirm it was this idol that had commanded them to leave the country, promising them that they would be rulers and chiefs of all the provinces which had been settled by the other six tribes; of a land greatly abounding in gold, silver, precious stones, feathers, rich shawls, and every costly thing conceivable. Thus did the Mexicans set out just as the children of Israel had done in search of the Promised Land, taking with them their idol enclosed in an ark made of rushes just as the others had taken with them their ark of the covenant. They took with them four principal
priests who made their laws, instructed them in their rites and sacrifices, etc. They traveled with their ark wherever their idol bade them go.l
Mr. Radin says the Mexicans came from Aztlan.
Mr. Baldwin quotes from E. G. Squier: “In the map of their migrations presented by Gemelli, the place of the origin of the Aztecs is designated by the sign of water (atl standing for Aztlan), a pyramidal temple with grades, and near these a palm tree.”2
We shall soon give consideration to the pyramidal temple with grades as one of the signs of the origin of the Aztecs. Another symbol of the origin of the Aztecs is the palm tree. Concerning this palm symbol, Mr. Baldwin says, “In history Jerusalem has been sometimes referred to as the City of Palms.”3 In I Kings 6: 29-36, the walls of Solomon’s Temple are described as being decorated with palm trees carved in wood and overlaid with gold.
Concerning the origin legends of the Maya Quich6s (Guatemala), Lewis Spence says, “The truth is that the conditions of migration undergone by the Maya were similar to those described in the Scriptures.”4
According to Mr. Nadaillac, “The people of Yucatan believed that their ancestors had come from the East, across a great body of water.’ ‘~
Did the Shepherd of Israel establish a fold for his sheep here in America? If he did, the first evidence we should look for will be a temple of Hebrew design. Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem was the center of the Good Shepherd’s fold in the Old World. We have also a second strong reason to look for a temple of Solomon in the New World. The “stick of Joseph” (Nephite Record) which contains the record of the Good Shepherd’s dealing with the flock he led to America contains the story of the erection of a temple after the manner of Solomon’s Temple. “And I, Nephi, did build a temple; and I did construct it after the manner of the temple of Solomon,... and the workmanship thereof was exceeding fine.”
—II Nephi 4: 22, 25.
Solomon’s Temple was composed of three courts, the innermost being called the Holy of Holies.
A. Hyatt Verrill says, The great temple of Pachacamac, Peru, is composed of courts in the center of which is the Holy of Holies containing the image of their great God.”6
The Nephite Record records that as their civilization developed, the Nephites gradually spread northward (into Central America and Mexico). It is also recorded that they continued to build temples, sanctuaries, and synagogues after the manner of the Jews (Alma ii: 22, etc.).
Mayan temples were usually composed of an outer corridor and an inner sanctuary surmounting a more or less lofty pyramid.7
In Bancroft’s Native Races, Volume 4, page 332, is a drawing of the ground plan of the Temple of the Cross at Palenque. This drawing shows an outer court or corridor and an inner corridor and a Holy of Holies, In a tablet on the wall of the Holy of Holies was found the great symbol (cross) of the Shepherd of Israel.
Solomon’s Temple was very large. The temple of the thousand columns with its courts at Chichen Itza covers five acres. The north colonnade extends across the north side of the court. It is a spacious hall 463 feet long.8
Nephi says the temple he built (after the manner of Solomon’s Temple) was of “exceeding fine workmanship.”
Besides its three courts, its size, and fine workmanship, the Temple of Solomon was noted for other things:
A. Greatest collection of gold and silver known -in the Old World (II Chronicles 9:13-22).
B. The flowers, palms, and temple utensils were made of pure gold (I Kings, chapter 6; II Chronicles, chapters 3,4).
C. The nails used in the Temple of Solomon were of pure gold (II Chronicles 3: 9).
A. Hyatt Verrill says,
Taken all together the gold of the Incas was probably the greatest accumulation of the precious metals the world has ever known prior to the time of the Conquest. . . . It is obvious that the Incans, finding the temple ready made, repaired it, added to it and made use of it as their own place of worship. Although the Spaniards transformed the temple to a Christian church, and added a deal of European embellishment and adornment to it, yet the greater portion of the structure still remains that of the prehistoric unknown inhabitants of Peru.
Architecturally this Temple of the Sun is one of the most remarkable buildings in the entire world. It is built of immense blocks of amazingly fitted stone, no two of which are exactly alike in size or shape, but which are so accurately designed and cut that the circular interior with its radii is mathematically and geometrically perfect. . . .
In the days when the Incas held sway this temple presented a sight which would have made Aladdin’s cave look tawdry by comparison. The walls, outside and inside, were completely covered with plates of burnished gold. The gardens were filled with trees, shrubs and plants of silver and gold. Among the leaves and branches of precious metals were birds, animals, and insects of gold and silver, and even the fountains, the tools and the implements of the gardener’s trade were of the same metals, . . .
The woodwork of the temple of the sun at Pachacamac was fastened together with gold nails and when, at Pizarro’s orders, these were removed, they were found to weigh more than thirty-two thousand ounces, roughly a value of over half a million dollars in our money.
During the months of July, August, and September, 1953, in company with Ronald Anderson of Rich Hill, Missouri, Joseph Anway of Independence, Missouri, and my son, Ward, I visited and photographed two temples in Copan, Honduras, each having outer, inner, and innermost divisions. We also visited an ancient temple in the ruins of Zacaleo in the mountains of northern Guatemala. Our pictures, both Kodachrome and third dimension, clearly show the three divisions of the temple.
Archaeology underwrites the Nephite Record claim of temples in ancient America built after the manner of the Temple of Solomon.
We have discovered that the Bible, the Nephite Record, and Indian traditions all indicate that the Shepherd of Israel
led some of his sheep of the flock of Joseph to the new world. The Bible and Nephite Record agree that this “remnant escaped from Jerusalem” just before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city (about 600 B.c.) . The children of Israel of that day practiced the Mosaic Law.
The Temple at Jerusalem and the Mosaic Law went hand in hand. They were two parts of a whole. Together they comprised the Shepherd’s fold for ancient Israel. If the Shepherd of Israel established part of his fold here (Hebrew temples), then it is logical to look for evidence of the prehistoric existence of the other part (the Law of Moses) .
The Book of Joseph (Nephite Record) tells us the ancient Americans kept the law of Moses.
And we did observe to keep the judgments, and the statutes, and the commandments of the Lord, in all things, according to the law of Moses—Il Nephi 4: 14.
The prophets, and the priests, and the teachers, did labor diligently, exhorting with all long suffering, the people to diligence; teaching the law of Moses, and the intent for which it was given—Jarom 1: 24.
- H. H. Bancroft says, “Circumcision was practiced upon all Aztec male children.”10
Theodore A. Willard says,
It is a curious fact that the ancient Itza-Mayas had many habits and customs similar to those of the Jews. Many have remarked that some of the faces carved on the walls and stones are of a Jewish caste, . . . Both the Itza-Mayas and the Jews venerated one God, of whom they made no image. Both worshiped toward the east; and both burned incense in the four directions. The confession of sins and atonement were common to both peoples. Both believed in devils. The Maya like the Jew was punctilious about washing and in making ablutions.”
Concerning the discovery of the great stone heads of La Venta in 1946 (Mexico), Mr. Miguel Covarubbias says,
On stele C two impressive chieftains stand face to face, surrounded by lesser men suspended in space. The face of the man on the left is smashed, but the other is untouched and represents a stern, fully bearded man with an enormous aquiline nose, totally different from the flat-nosed people of La Venta . . . a personage with surprisingly pronounced Semitic features.12
Altars for sacrificing are a common discovery in unearthing the temples of ancient America.
In the National Geographic for July, 1931, is a picture of what is reputed to be the largest and finest altar yet discovered (found at Uaxactun, Guatemala).
The Nephite Record says, “And they also took of the firstlings of their flocks, that they might offer sacrifice and burnt offerings, according to the law of Moses” (Mosiah 1: 30) .
Concerning the similarities between the Mosaic and Aztec systems, Lord Kingsborough says, “There was much in connection with the sacrifices that was common to Mexicans and Jews.”13
The Mexicans applied the blood of sacrifices to the same uses as the Jews; they poured it upon the earth, they sprinkled it, they marked persons with it, and they smeared it upon walls and other inanimate things (Ibid. page 154).
No one but the Jewish High Priest might enter the 1-Foly of Holies. A similar custom was found in Peru (Ibid. page 156).
Both Mexicans and Jews regarded certain animals as unclean and unfit for food (Ibid. page 273).
It was customary among the Mexicans to eat the flesh of the sacrifices of atonement (ibid. page 176).
Mr. C. Reginald Enoch says,
Cloths of vicuna wool, which were interwoven with gold and silver filaments (Peru), have come down to us today in all their primitive freshness. . . . An art which passed in remote times from Babylon to other cities and which is first mentioned as employed in the Ephods of Aaron.’~
According to the law of Moses (Leviticus 25), the Hebrews made a new start every half century. This was called the Year of Jubilee. Mortgages and debts were canceled and all the land returned to the original tribal inheritance, It was a time of celebration and rejoicing.
Thus far we have found evidence of the existence in ancient America of much that the Good Shepherd had in his fold at Jerusalem in Old Testament times. Let us see if there is evidence that the Year of Jubilee was known in ancient America. Mr. Jose Jiminez Gomez says, concerning the Aztec calendar stone, “The snake scales are supposed to represent centuries of fifty-two years and on the upper side of the body of the serpents can be seen blazes of fire which means that at the beginning of every century they kindled the new fire.”’5
In the Mexican National Museum in Mexico City there are numerous bundles (stone) of roped years. Manly P. Hall says concerning these bundles of roped years, “The Mexicans had periods composed of what they called the binding of years. These bindings contained fifty-two years and constituted a cycle. “16
Concerning the volador, a religious ceremony of the Totonacs of Mexico, Dr. Alfonso Caso says, “The four macaws descending from the pole and taking thirteen turns are symbols of the 52 years of the Indian cycle, that is to say, of the movement of the sun in 13x4 which gives the 52 years figure.”’7
Patriarchy, genealogy, and totemism were all part of the Old Testament system and found within the Good Shepherd’s fold in ancient Israel. Stephen D. Peet says,
The prevalence of Totemism in the Old Testament is shown by the dying words of Jacob, for in them be described the animal figures which were shown on the escutcheon of each tribe. The lion on the escutcheon of Judah, the serpent on that of Dan, the wild ass on that of Issachar, .and the bird on that of Naphtali.
How the patriarch came to use this language is a mystery. . . . Whatever the explanation is, the passage furnishes a good illustration of a custom which was common among the uncivilized races, and is still prevalent among the aborigines of America; namely, the custom of giving the names of animals and plants to children and making these serve as emblems of the clan or tribe.
Herrera remarks of the Mayas, “They were wont to observe their pedigree very much and therefore thought themselves all related and were helpful one to another. They did not marry any who bore the same name as their father . . . this shows that the patriarchy existed among the Mayas. “18
There are a number of theories as to the origin of the American Indian (Mongoloid, Hebrew, Phoenician, Egyptian, indigenous, etc.) . Concerning the Hebrew origin theory, Mr. Bancroft says, “The theory that the Americans are of Jewish descent has been discussed more minutely and at greater length than any other. Its advocates, or at least those of them who have made original researches, are comparatively few, but the extent of their investigations and the multitude of parallelisms they adduce in support of their hypothesis, exceed by far anything we have yet encountered.”19
While traveling in South America in 1949, 1 had a thrilling experience. A young archaeology student at the University of Trujillo in northern Peru was guiding me through the large Museum of Larco Hoyle at Chiclin, Peru. The museum contains the world’s finest collection of the ceramics of the ancient Chimus. Instead of painting pictures on canvas the Chimus molded pottery of the object they desired to picture, then painted the pottery. The museum seems to picture all the objects and activities connected with ancient Chimu life. One section is devoted to warriors and war, others to fruits and vegetables, another to various diseases. Finally, we came to a section devoted to crimes and punishments where my guide pointed out a large specimen of pottery. A man and a woman were tied to a post. There were many specks on the ceramic.
My guide pointed out the spots as rocks flying through the air. The crime was adultery punished by stoning to death. This is of course a part of the Mosaic Law, well illustrated by the woman brought to Jesus who was accused of adultery.
The British scientist, F. A. Mitchell Hedges, says,
The modern theory is that the Mayas appeared in Central America sometime between 1,000 B.c, and the Christian Era, and that their civilization was derived from Egypt, from which they came across the vast Pacific, The points of resemblance between the Maya and the Egyptian civilizations are too numerous and peculiar to be explained by some imaginary impulse in all prehistoric people to develop along the same line.~
The question may well be asked: If the Shepherd of Israel led the flock of Joseph to America in 600 B.C., and established a fold for his sheep here, why is it that both Egyptian and H~-brew evidences are met with? Joseph was governor of the land of Egypt. He was second to Pharaoh himself. He married an Egyptian woman. His sons were raised in Egypt. The Bible says, “Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years” (Exodus 12: 40) . As slaves in the land of Egypt, the children of Israel built pyramids and obelisks, and inscribed hieroglyphics on Egyptian monuments.
The Prophet Nephi in the very first verse in the Nephite Record says, “I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians” (I Nephi 1: 1).
The “stick of Joseph” quote, “And now behold, we have written this record according to our knowledge in the characters, which are called among us the reformed Egyptian, being handed down and altered by us, according to our manner of speech.”
The Egyptian Tau or letter T has been found at Palenque, Copan, and in Peru. Mr. Nadaillac says of the palace at Palenque, “Numerous masonry niches in the wall merit special attention on account of their resemblance to the letter T or rather the Egyptian Tau.”2’
There is one major theory in the world today concerning the origin of the American Indian and the ancient civilizations of the Americas. The Mongoloid theory taught in our school books is based upon the supposition that thousands of years ago uncultured tribes crossed from northern Siberia to Alaska over the frozen Bering Sea which is only twenty miles across. (The Nephite Record) records that the American Indian is of eastern Mediterranean or Hebrew origin.
If the Mongoloid theory is correct, how does one account for so much eastern Mediterranean influence in America (Hebrew style temples, Jewish caste faces, Egyptian pyramids, hieroglyphics, obelisks, etc.)? Another serious question arises. Ancient crude Eskimo type people living in the arctic northern Siberia region would have a tremendous adjustment to make between their native frozen north and the torrid tropics where ancient American civilization reached its heights. Which is the more reasonable—that Mongoloid people gradually scattered over Canada and the United States and down into Central America there to establish themselves and develop a great civilization, or that a people from the eastern Mediterranean already adjusted and acclimated to the warm regions migrated to similar regions here in the New World?
We make one more observation. The Lord told Abraham, “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 22: 18) . It is both historical and remarkable that the four civilizations of the Old World sprang up immediately adjacent to the Promised Land of Abraham—Egypt to the Southwest, Babylon to the east, Greece to the north, and Rome to the northwest. Is it unreasonable that ancient American civilization sprang from this same cultural hotbed?
The greatest Egyptian discovery in America is not pyramids, stelae (obelisks), hieroglyphics, or mummies. It is the Aztec calendar stone. It is a huge round stone, twelve feet wide, four feet thick, and weighs 57,000 pounds. It is on exhibit in the Mexican National Museum in Mexico City. It has eighteen months of twenty days each, with five complementary days and six hours for the measurement of a year’s time. This is similar to the calendar possessed by the ancient Egyptians.
Stephen D. Peet says, “The year in common use, called the vague year, began at different times of the true year through a long cycle. Here we find the analogy between the Egyptian and the American systems very startling.”22
John Delafleld comments:
I have also recognized in your memoir on the division of time among the Mexican nations, compared with those of Asia, some very striking analogies between the Toltec characters and institutions observed on the banks of the Nile. Among these analogies there is one which is worthy of attention. It is the use of the vague year of 365 days, composed of equal months, and of five complementary days, equally employed at Thebes and Mexico, a distance of 3,000 leagues. . . . Now, it is remarkable that the same solar year of 365 days, six hours, adopted by nations so different, and perhaps still more remote in their state of civilization than in their geographical distance, relates to a real astronomical period, and belongs peculiarly to the Egyptians, . . . The fact of the intercalation ~by the Mexicans] of 13 days every cycle, that is, the use of a year of 365 days and a quarter, is proof that it was either borrowed from the Egyptians, or that they had a common origin.2~
The works of H. H. Bancroft also touch on this point.~
The barbaric religious systems that led to the downfall of ancient Israel were sun worship (Jeremiah 8: 2; 7: 18, etc.),
human sacrifice and serpent ‘worship (II Kings 18: 4) . These three abominations wrecked the Good Shepherd’s fold in ancient Israel and scattered the sheep on a thousand hills.
We have found abundant evidence that the Shepherd of Israel set up his fold in ancient America. Now we are confronted with evidence that similar idolatrous abominations wrecked the fold in ancient America. Stephen D. Peet says,
The most remarkable fact which is brought out by this study is that the aboriginal religions of America correspond to the earliest forms of religions which prevailed in the East, The system of sun worship which prevailed among the agricultural tribes of the gulf states closely resembled that which existed in Egypt and Babylonia at the opening of history and many of the same customs were observed.25
The significance of these different works (mounds) will be understood if we compare the rites and ceremonies of the sun worshipers of this district with those which prevailed in Syria and Phoenicia in Old Testament times.
It is recorded in the Nephite Record that because of the practices of Solomon the Nephites attempted to introduce polygamy (Jacob 2: 3 5-43) . The Lord’s declaration against this is very revealing—”Wherefore, I, the Lord God, will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old” (Jacob 2: 35). It seems evident that the barbaric beliefs and practices of the American Indians show decided indications of having redone like them of old” in similarities to the eastern Mediterranean of ancient times.
The Nephite Record history tells us that soon after the colony of Joseph arrived in America, in about 580 B.C., it divided. One group was faithful to God and kept the law of Moses (Nephites) . The other group reverted back to the idols and religious vices which led to the downfall of ancient Israel. This group (the Lamanites) was cursed and their skins were darkened so there would ‘be no intermarriage between the white, cultured Nephites and the lazy, idolatrous Lamanites.
Eventually, and after the Golden Age of ancient America which followed Christ’s visit here, the entire population gradually drifted away from the Good Shepherd’s fold. A war of extinction broke out between the Nephites and the Lamanites, and both nations turned from the gospel of Christ to idolatry and human sacrifice.
Yea, the more part of them [Nephites] had turned out of the way of righteousness and did trample tinder their feet the commandments of God, and did turn unto their own ways, and did build up unto themselves icfols of their gold and their silver.
And they [Lamanites in last war] did also march forward against the city Teancum, and did drive the inhabitants forth out of her, and did take many prisoners, both women and children, and did offer them up as sacrifices unto their idol gods.
The prophets of ancient Israel warned the people if they did not cease from worshiping the sun and moon and offering their sins and daughters up as sacrifices to the idols of Baal, that the Lord would destroy them and leave their cities desolate. When Columbus discovered America, the words of the prophets against ancient Israel could just as appropriately have been spoken against the Aztecs for human sacrifice to idol gods or against the Mayas for snake rites (II Kings 18: 4) and against the Incas for sun rites.
Jeremiah says,
Because they have forsaken me, and have estranged this place, and have burned incense in it unto other gods, . . . they have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, . . . therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter.. . . And I will make this city desolate, and an hissing, every one that passeth thereby shall he astonished, and hiss because of the plagues thereof —19: 4-6, 8.
And I will make Jerusalem heaps, and a den of dragons; and I will make the cities of Judah desolate, without an inhabitant.—Jeremiah
The facts indicate that the God of Israel established his fold in America. His sheep prospered and enjoyed a Golden Age as long as they listened to the voice of the Good Shepherd. The day came (third century after Christ) when they turned away from their Shepherd’s fold and reverted back to the abominations which destroyed the fold in ancient Israel. Now the fold the Good Shepherd established in America is desolate and the words of Jeremiah to Jerusalem and the cities of Judab are startlingly applicable.
Chan Chan, Kabah, and Sayil are “desolate without an inhabitant.” Piedras Negras, Tikal, and Uaxactun are rtdesolate2~ ~and a den of dragons.” Monte Alban, Teotihuacan, Copan, and Chichen Itza, glorious cities of ancient America, are ttheaps~~ and tta;i astonishment to all that pass by.~’
Now, from the pages of the Nephite Record, the warning comes to us and to our cities:
And now we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise, and whatsoever nation shall possess it, shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fullness of his wrath shall come upon them.
And the fullness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity; for behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God, or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God.
And this cometh unto you, 0 ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God, that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fullness comet that ye may not bring down the fullness of the wrath of God upon you, as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.—Ether 1: 31, 32, 34.
1. Paul Radin, Sou7ces and Au;henticity ol the Hi.tto7y of the Ancient Mexicans, page 67.
2. Baldwin, Ancient Ame7ica, page 218.
3. Baldwin, Ancient America.
4. Lewis Spence, Myths ol Mexico and Peru, page 152.
5. Nadaillac, Prehistoric America, page 526.
6. A. Hyatt Verrill, Scientific American, March, 1931.
7. S. G. Morley, National Geo,graphic, May, 1927.
8. S. G. Morley, National Geo,graphic, July, 1931 .
9. A. Hyatt Verrill, CIa! Civilizations ol the New World, pages 294, 302, 303,
10. Bancroft, Native Races, Volume 3, page 371.
11. Theodore A. Willard, The Lost Empires ol the Itraes ace’ Mayast page 422.
12. Miguel Covarubbias, Mexico South (1946), page 90.
13. Lord Kingsborougb, Mexican Antiquities, Volumes 6 and 8.
14. C. Reginatd Enoch, The Secret ol the Pacific, page 224.
15. Jose Jiminez Gomez, The Aztec Calendar, page 2.
16. Manly P. Hall, Twelve Great Teachers, page 234.
17. Dr. Alphonso Caso, Archaeological Guide Booh on Mexican National Museum.
18. Stephen D. Peet, Prehistoric America, Myths ace’ Symbols, Volume 5, pages
19. H. H. Bancroft, Native Races, Volume 5, page 77.
20. F. A. Mitchell Hedges, London Daily Mail, March, 1924.
21. Nadaillac, Prehistoric America.
22. Stephen D. Peet, Prehistoric America, Volume 5, page 183.
23. Delafield, Antiquities of Ancient America, page 52.
24. H. H. Bancroft, Native Races, Volume 5.
25. Stephen D. Peet, Prehistoric America, Volume 5, pages 7, 321.
Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles, except they repent, for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots, and I will cut off the cities of thy land~ and throw down all thy strongholds:
Thy graven images I will also cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the works of thy hands.
William Prescott in his Conquest of Peru says, “If no one could become rich in Peru, no one could become poor . . . no man, however humble, suffered from the want of food or clothing” (pages 36, 37, 103).
The science of archaeology proves there was once a high state of civilization in ancient America. The Indian legends and the Nephite Record both associate these high tides of blessing and welfare with the Divine Being who came to them. The legends and the Nephite Record also agree that this Divine Being promised a restoration and a New Jerusalem for his people on the American continent. It is a remarkable fact that biblical prophets also believed in, looked for, and promised a restoration of the Jews to Jerusalem and a Zion. The prophets clearly indicate two holy cities—Jerusalem in the Old World and Zion or a New Jerusalem in the New World.
Isaiah says,
For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.—Isaiah 62: 1.
Joel in a prophecy about the last days says,
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit, And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.—Joel 2: 28-32.
The prophet Isaiah indicates that Zion and Jerusalem are two separate holy cities—”Thy holy cities are a wilderness, Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation” (Isaiah 64: 10) .
Isaiah also indicates that the rise of Zion and Jerusalem shall come in the last days:
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall he established in the top of the mountains, and shall he exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and be will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.— Isaiah 2: 2, 3.
The prophet Isaiah agrees with the Nephite Record in indicating that Christ will come to Zion in America:
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun, . . . And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord—Isaiah 59: 19, 20.
After the long period of dark ages which followed the collapse and destruction of the ancient civilization in America the Native American, surviving descendants of a once golden era, yearned for the return of their white hero god and a restoration of the ancient order of things. The arrival of Cortez in Mexico therefore was greeted with rejoicing and high expectancy as the natives thought Quetzalcoatl had returned in accordance with the promise he had made.
Following the medieval Dark Ages in the Old World the so-called period of the Reformation was ushered in. The reformers as evidenced from their own writings looked forward with expectancy to a day of restoration, a day when the old Jerusalem church with apostles, prophets, and the gifts and powers of the early church would again be set up on the earth. Alexander Campbell, founder of the Christian Church, says,
Some new revelation or some new development of the revelation of God must be made, before the hopes and expectations of all true Christians can be realized or Christianity save and reform the nations of the world. We want the old gospel back and sustained by the ancient order of things, and this alone by the blessing of the Divine Spirit is all we do want, or can expect, to reform and save the World.
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